Wednesday 24 December 2008



I am now on holiday in Portsmouth with my Dad. I miss Mom, but I know I will see her soon. In Portsmouth I get to play with my cousins and see my grandparents. I like seeing them because they take me to the seaside and buy me lots of new toys. And I get treats. Mom's going to Spain this year and she gave me lots of kisses on the head, as I was leaving the house. She cried again this morning and we had a cuddle. But I will see her in a few days though and we will once again, visit the slopes.

Dad came to pick me up last night and I played with him, while he spoke to Mom. They are friendly-ish now. That is good because I get to see them both, but it is strange still. When I come home from Dads, I sulk for a while and I don't go into Moms bed the first night. It takes me a while to settle in again. It's kind of weird really, having two homes. But I know I'm lucky, some dogs don't have any home. Mom says that to me alot. Mom is good though she gives me my space.

I can't wait to see her again to do my back-flips and play football.

By the way I managed to find to boys in the park the other day to play football with. I headed the ball a few times, tackled them and ran round the basketball court with them and exhausted myself. This time though I bit my own tongue and it was bleeding. The boys were nice and had a look at it for me. But I just wanted to carry on. Mom stood and watched and made sure I didn't pop the ball. I'm not allowed to do that in a real game. The boys were impressed with my skills and said they wanted to train with me, so they could pick up there speed. They said, I'm very fast. And I am, I know I am. Mom thinks I'm great too. Can't wait for the next game.

Guess what I'm getting for Christmas.

Happy Christmas.

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