Tuesday 13 January 2009

It has been a while! I've been a busy Lizzie as usual. Today was a lonely day. It felt like Mom was away forever. Mom calls this day WORK. On this day she hops out of bed and goes straight downstairs. On this day, we rarely have time for a cuddle until later, when she gets home. A pat is as much as I can hope for. So I can't be bothered to get up. Mom goes downstairs first and then after a while, she either calls me, or curiosity gets the better of me or the smell of toast. OK, it's the toast! This day, Mom takes me to the park because she doesn't have time to take me to the Slopes. And sometimes I'm naughty. Mom calls me BAD GIRL when I'm naughty. The thing is; the park is a bit boring. My Mom brings the ball thrower with us but after a while, I get bored with it. I'm use to, as you know, the slopes, the games, oh the games! Round the Mound, Hide and Seek, The Back-flips, etc.
The park is not exciting. I have to make it exciting. So, If a little person comes through, I run over to them, drop the ball in front of their feet, in the hope that they will throw it for me. They usually do. I do this often and Mom gets angry sometimes because she has to run around after me. And because sometimes, people are in a hurry and don't want to throw the ball for me.
One time I ran out of the park and Mom got very, very angry and I don't know why. That time she made me sit and shouted some gobbledy gook I didn't even understand. BAD GIRL was said a lot. I understood that alright!
Sometimes in the park the little people play football and Mom lets me join in. The little people like playing with me and let me nose the ball into the air. Football is my favorite game. Sometimes I play it for a long time. One time I tackled the ball well and the little person fell over me. I carried on, I was so excited. The little people call me by my name, they know me well and call me the Footballing Dog. FOOTBALL, is another word I know very well. If Mom says 'go get the football', I know what she means. The park is not boring, if the little people are playing football. One time, Mom took me to another park, where there were lots of little people playing football and they let me play with them for a whole game. I was exhausted afterwards!
Another time I got so bored in the park that I searched out a stick. Mom doesn't like me to have sticks but I love them. Sticks really do it for me sometimes. When I first come across a stick, I run round like I've just discovered the best dog bone ever. I bound around, practically bouncing off the ground. Then I drop it in front of Mom to throw it for me. Mom never looks happy about it and sometimes she ignores me and throws the stick in the bin or in the bushes so I can't reach it.
The worse day ever in the park, was when I found a stick and Mom gave in and through it for me. She through it a long way and I bounded up to it. The stick bounced and I landed on the stick and it went into my mouth and hurt me badly. I yelped and yelped. Mom came running over. I was in shock and trembling all over. Mom tried to cuddle me. Then she picked me up and put me in the car. Next thing I know, I'm in the dog hospital and a big person in a white coat is looking down my throat. I am afraid now, very afraid. The man, picks me up and takes me down stairs. Mom calls me petal and tells me I'm a good girl and that I'm going to be OK. It felt like Mom was gone forever that day. I had a long sleep and don't remember much else.
After that day, I couldn't go off the lead for what seemed like, forever too. My throat was very sore. I had to have liquid food and that was sooooooo gross. Mom said NO STICKS ever again. And I always know when she means business!
I'm not mad about sticks anymore and I don't them out now. And if I see one, Mom reminds me of that day!

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